best holiday present blog

The Best Holiday Present? It Doesn’t Cost a Penny!

by Sheen Watkins

What is the best holiday present? Well, it’s not a camera, lenses or even a trip. As a photographer, that’s saying a lot. Don’t get me wrong, those are awesome gifts. But before you continue the search through all the major specials and deals, take a breather.

When you think back to your best memories as a kid at the holidays, what do you see? Sure there’s a few gifts that come to mind. Or, memories that aren’t so great come to mind.

You have, at your immediate disposal, the opportunity to provide the best gift to your special person. Even, better? It doesn’t cost a penny.

What Is the Best Holiday Present?

You. Yep, you. Only it’s not you just walking in the door and arriving. Nor is it you asking folks to do stuff with you that you like.

Instead, it’s giving the gift of your presence in their world, not a present. It’s you, being present in a way that’s meaningful to the other person or people.

Give the gift of time. Time with you. Gifts, merchandise, clothes, games, material items find their way into closets, bins and even giveaways. As with the concept and passing of time, at some point you just can’t get more time.

Add in this year’s events pushed many of us into less face to face time with those special to us.

Bring Holiday Joy with the Gift of Your Time by Sheen Watkins

Time: The Best Holiday Present Ideas

How about starting with a self-made Christmas/Holiday card (yes, use your computer if you’re not artistic)? Here’s a few thought starters to get your creative gifts of time going:

Sample List:

  • Presence ideas for you and your partner: Give 12 custom time events for just the two of you. Examples? A winter hike in January, a candlelit dinner at home in February, a Netflix binge together in March, a walk in the rain in April. This opens the door for planning fun stuff together. And, making it happen!
  • For your kids: This one is not hard to figure out. The challenge is committing and following through. It’s your follow-through that ensures a passing grade. What do they love to do? What inspires them, makes them happy? Do what makes them happy with them. Coloring books? (list ideas if needed at Amazon) So what if you can’t draw? If you sit down with your son or daughter and color and share crayons, what joy for both of you. Playing catch. Movie night (their movie of choice and you make the popcorn).
  • Your parents and/or relatives, friends that you miss seeing: With work, we’re a bit zoomed out. However, when it comes to family, time together is precious and not to be taken for granted. Put a plan a place to get together on a scheduled basis with a twist. Each biweekly or monthly call has a specific theme. Food, games, sharing a recipe for all to eat or drink while online at respective homes. For some cookie recipes: 90 Easy Christmas Cookie Recipes, List of Cookie Recipe Books at Amazon
  • Your fur-kid: Before a bah humbug, our pets bring us joy every day. Yep, they bark. They meow. They demand attention. In the scheme of our lives, our pet’s time with us is short. Every walk, ball toss, cuddle, sit/stay/treat, brings delight. To both of you.

For Those We Don’t Know

  • Gifts for others less fortunate: There are many in need this year. As a family, take time together to come up with ways to give to those facing tough times. Give together. What a way to inspire the best in all of us and make a huge impact on someone else.
Winter Wonderland by Sheen Watkins

Are these Gifts or Resolutions?

When I read this blog to my hubby, his initial reaction? Aren’t you talking resolutions? Not exactly. A New Year’s resolution is something you do for your self to improve. Get healthy. Eat better.

The gift of your presence easily falls into a resolution but it’s more. When you give the gift of your presence, you’re showing you care, you love and you’re present with that other person in your life.

You’re creating memories that last. That bring smiles and special memories. That time is treasured and more valued than any gift off the shelf.

Giving Gifts from the Heart….Peace, Love, Hope, Joy & Time by Sheen Watkins

If you are looking to buy a gift or two (in addition to the above). Yes, we have some snap happy gift ideas in one of our recent blogs.


Dan McGraw December 1, 2020 - 12:01 pm

Great piece and ideas. Thank you.
Commitment. Be specific and follow-thru on your “gifts.” This is the real spirit of The season.
“Samples”…Your parents…Put a plan IN

Watkins Sheen December 1, 2020 - 8:19 pm

Absolutely agree! Making a plan and getting agreement ensures that it will happen…..thanks for commenting and you’re very welcome Dan!

Eileen Candels December 1, 2020 - 3:02 pm

Sheen! Love your recommendations and ideas and approach. And your photography? Breathtaking work. So appreciate the light and insight of your eye. Thanks for the shares!

Watkins Sheen December 1, 2020 - 8:20 pm

Oh Eileen – so great to see your name pop up! Thank you so much and I’m glad you’re enjoying. Wishing you the best always. Hugs!

Doug Martin December 28, 2020 - 9:27 am

First of all, because I grew up in Leelanau county and went to school in Leland and worked at the harbor and had a good friend whose family had one of the commercial fishing businesses in Fishtown…I have spent a lot of time in Fishtown and photographed there countless numbers of times. Your Fishtown photo in this blog is exceptional and I would expect nothing less from you. Second…the real message in this blog is so, so important. There is nothing more valuable than one’s time and how and with whom we choose to allot that time can have profound impacts on others in our circle of family and close friends. Well done Sheen! Also really enjoyed your “losing your inner diva” post. I learned some things about you…

Watkins Sheen December 28, 2020 - 10:36 pm

Thank you so much for your comments Doug! Time…it’s so precious. Glad you enjoyed the diva post too…this version is a bit more relaxed than the one prior. LOL. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts – very much appreciated!

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