holiday spirit

Are You Keeping The Holiday Spirit Alive through the Year?

by Sheen Watkins

How many cards with holding on to the holiday spirit rest under piles of bills? And how about that New Years Resolution? How many times have you thought about taking action. And then, you didn’t. We’re changing that today.

“May you keep the holiday spirit alive throughout the year.”

As our new year is well underway, those well wishes above feel further away with each meeting and zoom call. That News Year’s Resolution? Well, it’ll come back in 2022 like a bad penny if you don’t act quickly. Or it’ll get lost in the woods forever.

finding holiday spirit
A Great Place to Get Lost and Found by Sheen Watkins

Holiday Spirit: How To Keep It Alive

No, not talking about the mushy stuff. Or the moments that bring tears to your eyes. Quite the contrary.

The holidays, while enjoyable, brings stress, different pressures, and even sadness, that go along with festive moments.

But when we let ourselves embrace the moment, the joy that happens is special. When bottles of those emotions are available online, sign me up! Sigh.

The Answer? It’s In Our Control

This first week of the new year is already rocking. Meetings are underway. Projects continue to roll. Your life continues just as it did a few weeks before the holidays.

Before you know it, February arrives and your current road of busy continues. Unless you take charge.

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”

Jim Rohn (see more quotes from Goodreads)

That’s correct. You. You take charge and determine how you’ll keep the holiday spirit alive. It doesn’t require an app, a meeting, or a big event.

Simply set an intention that’s realistic with a personal, daily check-in.

gray double bell clock
Photo by Moose Photos on

Here’s a few examples to spark some ‘holiday spirit’ ideas.

When chatting with others, the four words “time, busy, commitments, demands” regularly surface. When we look back on the day (hint, this is the first part), what really kept you from holding on? It’s not the four above.

What is it? Intention. Our intention. Ensuring that we keep it top of mind. Here’s a few easy ideas to get started:

Commit to a daily call out of the one thing you’re grateful for.

Last year, at night before bedtime, Dave and I shared 3 things that we’re grateful for throughout the day. These covered everything from providing a listening ear, doing the laundry, encouragement to get out and run. (When the other would have been happy being a couch slug).

The outcome – better and more quality communication.

Step it up.

Embrace a daily goal of steps. Fitbit watches (Amazon) and other tracking devices work. They track what you do. They force accountability, in a positive way. Sure, we avoid committing to exercise because it is work. When we commit to exercise and do it, we feel better. Our heads are clear, we’re more productive and we’re healthier.

This one I’ve heard every excuse in the book. Too busy. I don’t like to exercise, sweat, etc. Here’s an example. My Dad is 94. With two knee replacements in his 90’s, he does an average of 3000 steps a day. And yes, he tracks it. Some days it hurts and he defers to the next day, then he’s back at it. There’s accomplishment and health too. A combo pack!

Schedule a bi-weekly call with those who are important to you.

One of the magical elements of the holidays is connecting and seeing those that mean so much in our lives. This year we all shifted to online communications. Keep the fun going with a biweekly or monthly scheduled cousin call, high school friends call. Add more great moments to the memory banks throughout the year.

In December, the cousins on my Mom’s side held our first two cousin zoom calls. So fun connecting with my family from Arkansas, Texas and Colorado. We’re reliving great memories and creating new ones. Next one is this week! Can’t wait.

Holiday Spirit is in Your Control

Our reality? Life is busy. It is hard to keep the spirit alive at times. We take on responsibilities, tasks and projects daily. With intention, we make rigor with the good stuff happen. And, when we roll in moments that bring smiles and memories of being present (for the good and tough times), we keep the spirit thriving. For ourselves and others too.

Link to Fitbit watches on Amazon:


Jules January 6, 2021 - 3:31 pm

I love this! Thank you for the reminder to be Intentional!!!

Watkins Sheen January 6, 2021 - 11:55 pm

Thank you so much! Seriously, over the holidays I thought about a few of our conversations, meetings, etc. Good stuff and good times too!

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