tenacity or giving up safe harbor

Tenacity or Giving Up: It’s a Fine Line

by Sheen Watkins

Every day we make choices with tenacity or giving up. Most choices are easy. However, there’s those days when it’s tough to stick with our plans, projects and goals.

You know those tough days. The ones that nothing goes our way. Our plans go awry due to stuff outside of our control. We receive disappointing or bad news. Fate dealt us a bad moment or situation.

The reality? We can’t control those hurdles that jump in front of us.

What’s in our control? Tenacity or giving up!

Sure, there are times where going a different direction makes sense. That doesn’t imply that you’ve given up. Quite the contrary, you’ve made a decision to move forward, to do something different and may even be better.

Then there’s situations where you’ve put your heart and soul into something and it’s at a critical juncture. You really want to move forward but roadblocks surfaced. Or, it’s much harder, longer, even scarier than you planned. You want to pull your hair out. You want to quit. Then there’s the internal ‘but.’

Do You Dig In with Tenacity or Give Up?

There are reasons to give up and reasons to stick with it. If sticking with it creates havoc, anger, frustration and lowers self esteem, by all means move on. That’s not a sign of weakness, it’s an indicator of being in tune with who you are.

However, if there’s a doubt that by giving up you’ll regret the decision, by all means give it another whirl.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain [SAMUEL CLEMENS] HUMORIST, ESSAYIST, NOVELIST, Quote was located in Pass It On

What really hurts? When you look back, missing a moment, an opportunity because you didn’t stick with it.

You’ll never regret giving it your all for something you wanted, even when it didn’t work out. Knowing that you did your best, worked your hardest minimizes the sting of not reaching your goal. When you do your best, even with disappointment, it’s easier to move forward.

For more Monday Motivations: See Aperture and Light’s Quotes

For books and reading from Mark Twain on Amazon:

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