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How to Find Calm in Weathering Our Storms

by Sheen Watkins

How to find calm? We’ve all quoted the phrase “calm before the storm” at one time or another. For each of us, a storm in business and life hold different meanings. In business and life, our stress is personal, unique. And that stress is ours to manage, control.

How often do we steal time on purpose to be calm, to think or escape the storm? Or, when we see our work teams, friends and family caught up in stress, how do we help?

Sometimes we find our calm when we help others find theirs. Through questions. Listening. Offering a shoulder.

When we need calm, sharing our current, chaotic mindset is part of the process. Recognizing that we’re heading into the storm, or are already there is part of taking action to managing our mindset. The other part? Doing something about it.

Creative outlets do more than produce pretty work. Time and time again they heal, rejuvenate and help us move forward.

Find Calm – Through the Eyes of a Child & Adult

Watch children with a coloring book. What do you notice? When you doodle, what happens? There’s reasons why more adult and children coloring books sell like hotcakes. They tap into our creative minds and offer a respite. They go everywhere too! Here’s a few favorites and tools:

How to Find Calm – Creative Outlets

“The creative arts can provide numerous benefits for people living with mental health conditions. Research has shown that engaging in any creative process is healing. Whether you make a sketch in your drawing pad, choreograph dance moves to your favorite song, or spend some time learning a new instrument, the arts can help you to lower stress and anxiety, feel calmer and more relaxed, and can give you a sense of accomplishment.”

from Mindwise Innovations

Problems Don’t Disappear, We Just Handle Them Better

When I listen to and see my husband play the guitar, even when he’s learning new music, his face and posture transform. Focusing on learning, trying something new clears his mind. He laughs more, his eyes sparkle and takes missed notes in stride. Soon, he’s playing music that calms my mind too.

The days I pick up the camera to ‘just go shoot what inspires” my heart rate drops. (My Fitbit Charge 3 (which is both calming, energizing and a reminder to get up and move) results show the change in my resting heart rate. Behind the lens, the world fades as I focus on that moment, that subject that will turn into my art. The other too for me is exercise. Through running, I’ve cleansed anger, stress and solved many, many, problems pounding the pavement over the course time.

A Moment of Calm by Sheen Watkins

Then there’s dancing around the house. Dancing is exercise. It’s also a quick escape into fun, movement and a mind break. We create our moves and motions on the fly. Or, we use our dancing memory and ‘Hustle’ our way through a few tunes.

Today Really Is Another Day

Stresses and challenges loom ahead daily. Positives and personal joys await us along our journey. Tapping into our creative zones offer renewed energy and attitude. When our minds and bodies are refreshed, we’re better and yes, stronger.

For another quick read: Taking Time to Breathe: For Others, For You

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