Wishes and Dreams: Motivation is 1/2 of the Story

by Sheen Watkins

In order to make your wishes and dreams come true, the first action? Wake up! Wishes and dreams are more than hope. They represent our goals, what we want to do or become.

Some of our wishes and dreams reflect reality. Some do not, well maybe not today. But with both realistic and unrealistic dreams, ‘impossibles’ turn into ‘possibles’.

“It isn’t hard at all to make a wish. The difficultly lies in how to make what you wish for a reality.” 

by Catherine Pulsifer, owner of Words of Wisdom, www.wow4u.com

Catherine’s quote above resonates. What is your current wish? What’s the inspiration behind it? Sometimes, what’s behind our personal goals drive if we choose to make it happen.

Wishes and Dreams: What’s Behind Them?

As a runner of over 20 years, my training partners all have different reasons for running. Their reasons shape their overall mindset behind their wish. Let’s see if you can determine who doesn’t enjoy or stick with it:

  1. The runners pounds the pavement since high school. It’s just in their DNA.
  2. Runners strive to achieve personal bests, distances. And, they keep improving after meeting goals.
  3. The runner who’s in great shape but feels like if they stop, they’ll gain weight.
  4. Those who use this activity as a mental break, to work through hurdles or to just clear the mind.
  5. The one who want’s to be active and healthy, and still running or walking in their 90’s. They love running.

If you guessed #3, you’re right. #3 ran just like the others. They enjoy it while running for the most part. Yet, at the same time, it is also a negative for them. If they miss a run, not good. If they back off, they’ll see it on the scales. In short, they create self-inflicted stress.

The others are out there for positive reasons. That doesn’t mean that they don’t have days that are hard, they don’t want to get out of bed. Sometimes, these runners take intentional breaks in order to regroup and perform better. Their ‘stress’ is looking forward to hitting the pavement again.

Motivation & a Plan

A positive mindset helps us to keep moving forward. The other factor is a plan. If we dream it, if we want it, then it’s up to us to set out a plan to make it happen. If the planned journey holds positive moments and rewards of our dream throughout, it’s not a work plan. It’s a life plan.

Enjoy your life journey,


For more Monday Motivation Blogs see Aperture and Light’s Quotes

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