finding motivation in my red chairs

Real Life Struggle: Finding Motivation and Keeping It

by Sheen Watkins

As much as I love photography and writing, there are those times when finding motivation is just hard. At times, we all experience a lack of energy or desire to do what we love. It happens in our jobs, at home, our hobbies, even in taking care of our health.

Today is one of those days. I don’t have inspiration for a Monday Motivation. I have a migraine. And for the life of me, I almost closed my laptop versus pushing through. That’s when it hit me. That’s what I need to write about because it is real.

I’m frustrated in not finding motivation for something I love doing!

As a result of a quick mindset deep-dive, my struggle for finding motivation ended. In it’s place? A typing pace that’s snappy. A feeling that I’ll get this done. And, a recognition that sometimes we need to step away, even for a few minutes to regroup. To come to terms with what’s holding you back.

One step back really does take you forward.

Here’s a collection of 17 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You to Be Successful pulled from one of Success’ writers Lydia Sweatt. My favorite one today? “Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.”

To be and feel successful, overcoming obstacles plays big role in achieving our goals. If we look at obstacles with a positive slant, our attitude shifts. These bumps are nothing more than a test of our ability and mental strength. Hopping over the bumps means another step towards self awareness and self satisfaction.

Today is a gift. We chose to tackle and grab what’s facing us, holding us back. Good or bad.

If I let my lack of motivation hold me back, I lose. And, if I choose not to consider the ‘why’ behind it, I lose. Today’s blog probably won’t prove to be my best work ever. However, I overcame a real, mental obstacle. That, in itself brings personal rewards. And, in this case a blog.

For other Monday Motivational Blogs:

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